Friday, August 16, 2013

Castro Survivor: You Don't Know What Freedom Is

This is a great speech and sums up why Cubans hold on to the 2nd Amendment so dearly. This testimony talks about how the left destroyed Cuba and some examples of what people had to endure under Castro.

Rafael Cruz: Obama Reminds Me of Castro

I enjoyed this speech by Ted Cruz' father. I've maintained all along that Obama has the charm and persuasion skills of all history's tyrants and reminds me very much of Castro. When he first took over, Castro was very popular, was a "people person", engaged in sports, etc. Pretty much everything like Obama comes off as. Once Castro was in power and started confiscating guns, that is when he began showing his true colors.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Experiences from Cuban dissidents

I will be adding more from other people as well as my dad's own experience (my last remaining bloodline who lived in Cuba) of how our family lost everything to Castro and the Left, plus how life is like in the Castro regime.  

Thanks to Stonewall for sharing these experiences.

Thanks to Emily Placido for sharing her experience.

Thanks to Mirtha for sharing her experience.